Table of Contents

Crooked Teeth

Crooked Teeth? How We Can Help You Invisalign

Are your crooked teeth and out or alignment? Do you feel awkward or embarrassed when you smile or talk? Eco Dental could help you as we can supply the very latest braces to comfortably and effectively shift your teeth into more pleasing positions that can benefit both your appearance and your dental health.

Adult Orthodontics to Fix Crooked Teeth

Not so long ago orthodontics used to be reserved for kids and teenagers and it would have been extremely rare to see an adult wearing a brace. However things are very different these days and it’s becoming increasingly common for adults to have orthodontic treatment. Here at Eco Dental NY we will examine your teeth and jaws before recommending the most suitable course of treatment. This will depend on the level of problems requiring correction, and we can also chat to you about possible options.

Fixed and Removable Braces

The thought of wearing fixed braces may fill some adults with a sense of horror as it does conjure up an image of heavy metal braces that are highly visible. Luckily, modern orthodontics is quite different and our fixed braces can be virtually invisible, using ceramic brackets that are attached to very thin wires to gently reposition your crooked teeth. We do sometimes suggest using fixed braces as these can often provide the very best results, particularly if you have more complex orthodontic problems requiring correction. The reason for this is due to the fact that we can position the brackets in exactly the right place to ensure tooth movements are extremely precise, delivering predictable results.

However we do realize that many patients would prefer not to have a fixed brace, particularly as you do need to be prepared to spend a little extra time cleaning around the brackets and wires. In this case we can provide Invisalign braces, a system you may already have heard about.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a removable brace that uses clear plastic aligners to reposition crooked teeth. These aligners look a little like tooth whitening trays and fit tightly over the teeth so they are virtually invisible. One of the things that many patients like about this system is that they can see virtual images of how their teeth will move, right up to when treatment is completed. It can be very reassuring to be able to assess the efficacy of treatment even before you begin.

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

Another thing that makes this system so popular is its ease of use. The aligners are very simple to keep clean and are removed whenever you eat or whenever you want to brush or floss your teeth. This means it is very straightforward to maintain good oral health right throughout treatment and there is no need to do anything different or to avoid certain foods while having orthodontic treatment for your crooked teeth.
When you visit the Eco Dental for your consultation we can discuss all these options with you so you can make the right choice about your treatment.

Important to Correct

Too High Filling: Why It Is Important to Correct

Lots of people have at least one filling and if this applies to you then you probably remember your dentist asking you to bite down and munch on a piece of paper shortly after your filling was completed. This special paper leaves brightly colored marks on the teeth that tell the dentist where the filling is too high so they can gradually adjust it, bring it back into the correct occlusion with the rest of your teeth. By the time they finish, your teeth should bite together correctly.

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